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Pictures and mementos from Doug's experiences. Click on the thumbnail to view the full-size picture, and use your browser's "back" button to return here.

The first two pictures are from the Victoria Times Colonist of when Doug traded himself for a hostage in a hostage-taking at the Wilkinson Road jail in 1976.


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This picture shows Doug handcuffed to one of the prisoners.

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Doug as a young lawyer interested in the politics of Western Canadian alienation. In 1974 he wrote a letter to the editor of the Times Colonist that was the catalyst for a new movement in B.C. politics, the Committee for Western Independence, which was the forerunner to the Western Canada Concept.

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Doug spoke in halls across Western Canada, some of them in towns where the names on the war memorials outnumbered those now living there. Large meeting, or small, he would speak to anyone interested in achieving Independence for the West.

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Doug with his partner, Keltie, at the second Zundel trial, in 1988.

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In Victoria, after a number of free speech controversies, the "Speaker's Corner" at Beacon Hill Park was re-established. 

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One of the many articles about Doug, this one appearing in the Victoria Times-Colonist, and depicting the consequences of Doug's high profile defense of free speech: swastikas painted on his office window.

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Doug, Keltie and Ernst Zundel with the media after the second appeal to the Ontario Court of Appeal, September 26, 1989. This case eventually was thrown out by the Supreme Court of Canada, which found the False News law to be unconstitutional.

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Doug with the Appeal Books for a freedom of speech case, requiring hours and hours of preparation.

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Doug and Keltie with Imre Finta, near the end of Canada's only war crimes trial, held under the specially enacted legislation following the Deschenes Commission Hearings. This case, which lasted about ten months before a judge and jury, resulted in an acquittal after a few hours. The defence relied entirely on Doug Christie's cross examination, and did not call evidence.

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The end of the Finta trial, before the acquittal and the birth of their son.

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Doug in his wig, before his appearance in the Old Bailey, London, England, for the word crime case of  Lady Jane Birdwood.

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Doug with American writer Joseph Sobran.

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Typically Doug: rushing from court with gown flying, carrying a huge briefcase.

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Doug in Israel, while there on Commission for evidence in the Finta case, Canada's one and only trial under the new war crimes legislation, giving Canada the power to retroactively try war crimes, without extradition or deportation. It lasted 10 months and resulted in an acquittal for Imre Finta, for whom Doug acted.

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Doug at Arbroath Abbey, Scotland, in June of 2002, the site of the legendary Declaration of Arbroath, which is the Scottish Declaration of Independence, containing the following quotation:

"...for, as long as but a hundred of us remain alive, never will we on any conditions be brought under English rule. It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom...for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself."

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Doug on Orkney at the Ring of Brodgar, June 2002.

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Doug in his Australian hat, at home and relaxed. Picture by Keltie Zubko, October 2002.

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Doug appearing in the Supreme Court of Canada on the Malcolm Ross case.

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This picture is of Doug and his client, Michael Seifert, who was tried in absentia for war crimes alleged to have been committed in Italy during World War II. The trial in Italy took place in 2001. This picture, by Ward Perrin, appeared in the Vancouver Sun of March 7, 2003. The extradition, being sought by the Italian government and the denaturalization by the Canadian government, are taking place in March 2003, in Vancouver, British Columbia, where Mr. Seifert has lived openly for over 50 years.

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Doug at the founding meeting of the new Western Block Party, a federal party, aiming to defend the West, similar to the way the Bloc Quebecois defends Quebec.

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Doug appearing on Canada AM during the Ahenakew "hate" trial, April 2005. The verdict was reserved until June 10, 2005.

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In September 2005, Doug traveled to Italy to cross examine witnesses in the Seifert matter, dealing with events from World War II. This picture was taken in the Verona arena.                       © Kalonica Christie 2005

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Doug in Venice.        © Kalonica Christie 2005

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Doug in Rome.          © Kalonica Christie 2005

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